Tuesday, December 7, 2010

When Duty Calls

If I could wish for a better world,
Then who will empty this one of its sorrow?

If I could wish for a better day,
Then who will fight in this one for a better tomorrow?

If I could wish for a better brother,
Then who will set an example for this one to follow?

If I could wish for a better job,
Then who will dare apply for this one to avoid a go-slow?

If I could wish for a better church,
Then who will preach Christ in this one to the lonely at the over-flow?

If I could wish for better security,
Then who will stand for this weak one and shield him with his elbow?

If I could wish for better light,
Then who will shine in this darkness and leave an after-glow?

If I could wish for greener pasture,
Then who will cultivate Africa for our children to grow?

If we continue to live in ignorance,
Then surely… who will leave behind knowledge our children can borrow?

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